Short-term versus long-term marketing strategy

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Working with companies that operate in a variety of industries, we have the opportunity to interact with different people. However, they all have one thing in common, namely their desire to generate business and to perform exceptionally well in everything they do.

To obtain the wanted results, a vital element should be considered, and that is the marketing strategy. It should be well defined, based on SMART objectives and take into account all the factors that influence marketing performance.

When it comes to the marketing strategy, we have to consider every variable, especially the time frame.  As a result, we have short and long-term marketing strategies.

The short-term marketing strategy takes the following forms:

  • PPC campaigns: whether we are talking about Google Ads or Facebook Ads, both have a short-term impact, which is why they are carried out periodically. These type of campaigns produce results immediately after their implementation and optimization.

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  • One-off campaigns: these are recurrent campaigns for a seasonal product or service. In their case, the results are short-term and their impact long-term is not significant enough, unless we collect customer data and use that data in future campaigns.


  • Social media communication: it represents one of the most well-known strategies used by companies in the online environment, but its results are mostly seen in the short term. Each social media post has the role of stimulating consumer activity at that very moment or in the near future. It takes constant communication to obtain long-term benefits


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The long-term marketing strategy can relate to the following actions:

  • Community: creating a stable community is part of the long-term strategy. Once you retain your customers, you can develop a relationship based on trust, generate value for them, and convince them of the quality of your products or services. More likely than not, they will choose you over others in the long term. A strong community will support you when launching a new product or service and will always be there for you and your company. They will also support you in times of crisis or economic decline, even if the level of purchase will decrease.

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  • Content: Relevant blog content is one of the most important actions for a long-term strategy. Quality content strengthens consumers’ faith in the brand and determines your costumers to return to the information that sparked their curiosity, respectively to your brand.

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  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): a correct optimization brings your products and services to the first page of search engines. Once they reach that position, the effort for maintaining it is significantly reduced. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to take into account a number of items, such as: the content of each page, the metas, the quality of the content and its authenticity, the links from the internal and external sites, the main keywords as well as the website loading speed.

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  • Website: not focusing on your site can be a serious mistake. The website is your 24/7 shop, being always available for customers when they need it. In order for a long-term strategy to perform well, it is essential to have a website that offers, first and foremost, relevant and necessary information, that is available at any time.

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Regardless of which type of strategy we are talking about, both have an important role in achieving the company’s main goals. At the same time, it is necessary for your general marketing plan to include both a long-term strategy and a short-term one, in order to obtain the most favorable results.

Whether we are talking about a short-term strategy or a long-term one, it is important to garner visibility for the brand, which can be then transferred to a website or landing page. Once the user is on the site, our goal is to convert him into a lead and to make him part of a brand community. The company’s goal is to offer value to their clients and to be attentive to their needs, because only based on them can the final sale be closed.
