15 years of Klain, the digital marketing agency from Cluj-Napoca

Klain is a marketing agency based in Cluj-Napoca comprised of dynamic, proactive, responsible and results-oriented members, that all possess a strategic thinking. Our focus is achieving real results for businesses operating in various industries, following four main stages: analysis, strategy, implementation, and monitoring. Recently, the agency celebrated its 15th anniversary, this occasion representing a great opportunity for getting to know its history and evolution better.

Our company was founded by Valentin Bolboacă, who first got involved in the online environment in 2005, focusing at that time on PPC and SEO campaigns. In 2007, he identified a need in the local accommodation industry, recognizing its shortcomings after a complex analysis. Thus the platform CazareClujNapoca.ro was launched, which is a relevant and active website ranking highly on Google to this day. Gradually, other internal projects were implemented, such as CazareSibiu.com, Cluj Travel, Călătoresc, Cazare.info, BunăDimineața.ro and LeasingWEB.

In the last few years, many entrepreneurs have become increasingly aware of the necessity for a digital marketing strategy that can enhance their results, as well as the need for an agency to be involved in this process. What clients have sought our services? Companies from various industries, ranging from eCommerce, interior design, medical, IT services and intellectual property to HoReCa, construction and even investment funds.

Over the course of 15 years, these partnerships developed with businesses from different industries have contributed to the agency’s experience and knowledge gain. Klain is a team that continuously seeks new challenges. In addition to the client portfolio, our members have organized marketing courses, including practical social media courses for companies.

Thanks to the positive feedback received from clients over the years, Klain became a full-service digital marketing agency 9 years after its launch, taking this important step in 2016. One of the special projects carried out by Klain is worth mentioning: “Dăruiește un site” (Donate a Website). The campaign was organized during the winter holidays of 2019 and had the main goal of offering a complete customized website to an NGO, thus allowing them to better promote their cause.

The large presence of Klain in the market is evidenced by numerous appearances in the online media, in publications such as Transilvania Business, Wall-Street, Start-up, StartupCafe, Business24, Outsourcing Today, Club IT&C, Manager.ro, I Love Cluj, Cluj.info, and Startup.info. Additionally, another notable moment was their first TV appearence in 2022, when the agency representative, Valentin Bolboacă, was invited to a program on Profit TV and presented an important study conducted by Klain regarding the online presence of the top 1000 companies in Romania.

The Klain team is represented by three groups: the core team, close collaborators and occasional collaborators. Currently, it consists of 15 persons, including colleagues who have been with the agency for over 10 years, as well as recent additions. Recognizing the importance of fostering a team in which members develop a harmonious partnership, we have organized various types of team-building activities, discussing marketing topics relevant to the agency’s future or simply engaging in fun and relaxing activities. As a result, the teamwork accomplished during office hours becomes more efficient and enjoyable within a harmonious and close-knit group.

What are our future plans? In addition to expanding the team through internships organized in the summer of 2023, Klain is actively seeking specialists in various fields to structure their work even better. We believe that “a person is truly knowledgeable and wise when they never stop learning” emphasizing the importance of continuous development and evolution. Our next goal is to become one of the top 10 marketing agencies in Romania. Furthermore, we have obtained a registered trademark in Europe, aiming to target and access the international market.

Throughout its 15 years of existence, we have learned that in order to develop successful projects with remarkable and tangible results, dedication and involvement in the client’s business are crucial aspects and a common mission between the client and the agency must exist. Moreover, the team also utilizes their knowledge to guide entrepreneurs toward digital marketing, one of the most important areas of development in today’s world.

To discover how you can take your business to the next level and access the online environment, increasing its value in the market, Klain offers a free consultation, subsequently assisting you in implementing suitable digital marketing strategies.

